Wednesday, January 05, 2005


Well, I want to write some stuff. My mind is cluttered with ideas, opinions, thoughts, memories, and fantasies that need purged and or organized. I've found that the best way to figure out what I know or think about something is to put it in writing. It is not sufficient to write it for myself, because there is no motivation to get it right or to properly express things. Knowing that someone else might read this stuff will impose a bit of discipline that would otherwise not exist. In addition, maybe somebody will tell me something that will clear up some of my confused and puzzled opinions.

Second reason, I read today that there are now about 8 million bloggers. With that many out there, I am bound to not be the dumbest SOB in the group.

Third, I have reached the age and level of experience that allows me to indulge in the fantasy that I am qualified to express opinions or give advice. That same level of age and experience allows me to understand that nobody will respect my opinions or take my advice, which removes any concern about actually knowing anything.


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